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    The Lovable Leader

    Build Great Teams with Trust, Respect, and Kindness

    By Jeff Gibbard

    Published 01/2022

    About the Author

    Jeff Gibbard, the author of The Lovable Leader: Build Great Teams with Trust, Respect, and Kindness, is an acclaimed speaker, strategist, and author known for his expertise in leadership and team dynamics. He has dedicated his career to transforming the workplace culture by promoting leadership styles that emphasize emotional intelligence, empathy, and trust. His passion for helping leaders inspire and empower their teams is evident throughout his work.

    Main Idea

    The main idea of The Lovable Leader is to redefine leadership in a way that prioritizes trust, respect, and kindness. Gibbard argues that the traditional focus on results at the expense of human connections is flawed. Instead, he proposes a leadership style that fosters loyalty, happiness, and productivity by creating a safe and supportive work environment. By adopting this mindset, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve greatness and create a positive organizational culture.

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Mindset
    • Care
    • Trust
    • Safe Travels
    • Your Most Important Tool
    • The Destination
    • The Map
    • The Journey
    • The Detours
    • The Balance
    • The Mirror
    • Conclusion


    Our culture of work is broken, and we can only fix it together. This book is a call to action for you—and people really need you. Leadership is not an achievement, nor a destination, but rather a practice that you will adopt for life. This is what lovable leadership is about: the aspects of leadership that require emotional intelligence, empathy, humility, compassion, and trust. Amid all other externalities, these are the things we can control—how we relate to one another.

    "Leadership is not an achievement, nor a destination, but rather a practice that you will adopt for life." - Jeff Gibbard


    Lovable leadership begins when you adopt a particular mindset. This style of leadership is grounded, real, and profoundly simple. Once you understand this, all that remains is a choice and the practice. Mindset is the start of your journey. To adopt the lovable leader’s mindset, you must remember that leadership is a choice, not a title. Leadership is a practice, not a destination. Leadership is a responsibility, burden, and privilege. Leadership responsibilities include goal setting, strategy development, communication, team management, and navigating change.

    "Leader is just another role on the team. You must stay humble, so you’re not seen as a 'boss.'" - Jeff Gibbard


    We’re conditioned by society to dislike work or see it as a necessary evil rather than as an inspirational part of our lives. It’s about time we start really caring about things—taking things personally, not professionally. Distancing ourselves emotionally from outcomes is only seeking to protect ourselves from embarrassment and shame. You need to care deeply about your people. Care is an essential element of love. Loving anything would be difficult if you simultaneously didn’t care about it. If you want people to feel safe under your leadership – if you want them to trust you, if you want them to be loyal and hardworking for a shared cause, you have to care.

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