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    The 360 Degree Leader

    Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization

    By John C. Maxwell

    Published 01/2006

    About the Author

    John C. Maxwell is known as America's expert on leadership, having communicated his leadership principles to Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and sports organizations such as the NCAA, the NBA, and the NFL. He is the founder of several organizations, including Maximum Impact. Maxwell is the author of more than 30 books, including Developing the Leader Within You, Your Road Map for Success, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and Winning with People.

    Main Idea

    The primary concept of The 360 Degree Leader is that leadership is not confined to those at the top of an organization. Maxwell emphasizes that 99 percent of all leadership occurs not from the top but from the middle of an organization. By becoming a 360-degree leader, individuals can learn to lead up, lead across, and lead down, influencing people at every level. This book teaches how to overcome common myths and challenges of leading from the middle, providing strategies for adding value to superiors, peers, and subordinates.

    Table of Contents

    1. The Myths of Leading from the Middle
    2. The Challenges 360-Degree Leaders Face
    3. The Principles 360-Degree Leaders Practice to Lead Up
    4. The Principles 360-Degree Leaders Practice to Lead Across
    5. The Principles 360-Degree Leaders Practice to Lead Down
    6. The Value of 360-Degree Leaders

    The Myths of Leading from the Middle

    One of the major obstacles for potential leaders in the middle of an organization is the prevalence of myths that can inhibit their growth and influence. Maxwell identifies several key myths that need to be dispelled.

    The Position Myth

    The most common misconception is that leadership is tied to a position or title. However, Maxwell argues that "the true measure of leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less." He emphasizes that leadership is dynamic and must be earned with each person you meet. This means that leadership is about disposition, not position, and anyone can choose to become a leader from wherever they are.

    The Destination Myth

    Many people believe that they will start to lead once they reach the top. Maxwell contends that good leadership is learned in the trenches, not at the pinnacle of the organization. He advises, "Handle today so that it prepares you for tomorrow." Mistakes made at lower levels are easier to overcome, while errors at the top can be costly and damage a leader’s credibility.

    The Influence Myth

    Some believe that people will naturally follow them if they were in a top position. Maxwell dispels this myth by stating that "influence must be earned." A position might grant a chance to lead, but true influence comes from the ability to connect and inspire others. A leader can make a position, but a position alone cannot make a leader.

    The Inexperience Myth

    The inexperience myth is the belief that being at the top gives one total control. In reality, higher positions come with increased responsibilities and external factors that influence decisions. As Maxwell notes, "more than ever, when you are at the top, you need every bit of influence you can muster."

    The Freedom Myth

    Some believe that reaching the top frees them from limitations. Maxwell explains that higher positions come with greater responsibilities and pressures. Leaders have more obligations, and thus, less freedom. However, this limitation is a choice they make to fulfill their roles effectively.

    The Potential Myth

    Another myth is the belief that one cannot reach their potential without being the top leader. Maxwell argues that individuals should strive to reach their potential, not necessarily the top of the organization. Often, the greatest impact can be made from positions other than first place.

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