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    The Heart of Change

    Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

    By John P. Kotter,

    Published 11/2012

    About the Author

    John P. Kotter is a world-renowned expert on leadership at the Harvard Business School and the author of numerous influential books, including "Leading Change." His work focuses on how organizations can achieve successful transformations by understanding and leveraging the human aspects of change. Kotter's insights are grounded in decades of research and practical experience, making his strategies highly effective and widely respected.

    Dan S. Cohen is a Principal with Deloitte Consulting LLC. His expertise lies in helping organizations implement complex change initiatives. Cohen's collaboration with Kotter on "The Heart of Change" brings together academic rigor and practical consulting experience, providing a comprehensive approach to organizational change that is both theoretical and actionable.

    Main Idea

    The core premise of "The Heart of Change" is that successful organizational change is driven more by emotional engagement than by analytical processes. Kotter and Cohen argue that while traditional change management emphasizes rational arguments and data, true transformation occurs when people feel the need to change. This emotional drive is captured in their "see-feel-change" dynamic, which contrasts sharply with the conventional "analyze-think-change" approach.

    The book is structured around Kotter's eight-step process for leading change, which he first introduced in his earlier work, "Leading Change." These steps provide a roadmap for leaders to follow in order to achieve meaningful and lasting transformation within their organizations. By sharing real-life stories and examples, the authors illustrate how these principles can be effectively applied in various contexts.

    Table of Contents

    1. The Heart of Change
    2. Increase Urgency
    3. Build the Guiding Team
    4. Get the Vision Right
    5. Communicate for Buy-In
    6. Empower Action
    7. Create Short-Term Wins
    8. Don't Let Up
    9. Make Change Stick

    The Heart of Change

    The first chapter sets the stage by explaining the fundamental principle that people change what they do because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings. This is especially critical in large-scale organizational change, where new technologies, cultural transformations, globalization, and e-business come into play. Kotter and Cohen emphasize that effective change is not just about logical reasoning but about engaging emotions.

    "People change what they do because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings." - John Kotter

    The "see-feel-change" dynamic is introduced here. It involves helping people see the need for change through compelling, dramatic situations that evoke emotional responses. Once people feel the impact of these situations, they are motivated to act, leading to real change.

    Increase Urgency

    Creating a sense of urgency is the critical first step in Kotter's eight-step process. Without sufficient urgency, change efforts are likely to stall. The authors identify four behaviors that typically hinder change: complacency, fear, anger, and pessimism. These behaviors must be addressed to foster a proactive and energetic response.

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