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    Coaching A to Z

    The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words

    By Haesun Moon

    Published 03/2022

    About the Author

    Haesun Moon is a distinguished communication scientist who has dedicated over a decade to researching how coaching conversations work. Her extensive study and practice in the field have earned her a doctorate degree, and she is known for her significant contributions to understanding the art and science of effective communication. Moon's work emphasizes the transformative power of simple, yet profound conversational techniques that can foster connection, understanding, and growth in both personal and professional contexts.

    Main Idea

    The main idea of "Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words" revolves around the notion that powerful coaching conversations can emerge from the use of ordinary words in extraordinary ways. Haesun Moon explores how thoughtful and intentional dialogue can reveal hopes, dreams, and the true essence of individuals, thereby enabling transformative experiences. By focusing on the power of simple questions and genuine curiosity, Moon provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of coaching through effective communication.

    Table of Contents

    • About the Author
    • Main Idea
    • Table of Contents
    • A to E
    • F to J
    • K to O
    • P to T
    • All the Way to Z

    A to E


    At the heart of every coaching conversation resides an inquiry about what people want. A good coach, guide, or listener's role is not to cheerlead with "you’re-almost-there" messages, but to invite individuals to remember what they’re already doing to move in the right direction. This acknowledgment fosters a sense of progress and motivation.

    "The role of a good coach, guide, and listener in any dialogue is not to cheerlead the conversation partners with you’re-almost-there messages, but to invite them to remember what they’re already doing to move in that direction." - Haesun Moon

    Recognizing existing strengths and resources can make a significant difference in a person's journey. When coaches highlight these often-overlooked aspects, it helps individuals build on their current successes and maintain a positive outlook.

    • Recognizing small achievements in a client’s journey towards a goal.
    • Highlighting existing strengths and resources that individuals may overlook.
    • Encouraging individuals to focus on their progress rather than what remains to be done.


    Coaching involves supporting others as they envision and work towards their desired futures. This "radical acceptance" of believing in another’s becoming is not just for professional coaches; it’s essential in all relationships. It involves witnessing and acknowledging their potential and progress without imposing one's assumptions.

    "This 'radical acceptance' of believing in the other’s becoming is not just for professional coaches; it’s the very glue that mends and bonds relations." - Haesun Moon

    Supporting someone's journey requires a genuine belief in their potential. This belief acts as a catalyst for their growth and helps build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

    • Encouraging a friend to pursue their passion project by validating their skills and aspirations.
    • Supporting a colleague in their career growth by acknowledging their competencies and potential.
    • Witnessing and affirming a family member's efforts and progress.


    Coaching is fundamentally about curating stories of purpose, possibilities, and progress. The Latin root of "curate" means care, which underscores the importance of curiosity in guiding conversations. By inviting people to explore what they care about, coaches can help them uncover their deepest motivations and desires.

    "What you are curious about will orient your conversation partner’s attention accordingly." - Haesun Moon

    Curiosity drives meaningful conversations and helps individuals connect with their true passions and values. This approach encourages a deeper exploration of what truly matters to them.

    • Asking a team member what aspects of their work they find most fulfilling.
    • Encouraging a client to explore what truly makes their heart sing.
    • Inquiring about a friend's dreams and aspirations.


    Listening differently can quickly lead to understanding what truly matters to people. By asking questions that explore the differences small changes might make, coaches can help individuals uncover their true desires and motivations.

    "You might be surprised to see how quickly people get to what they truly care about, just by your listening differently." - Haesun Moon

    Small changes can have a profound impact. By focusing on these differences, coaches can help individuals recognize the significance of their actions and decisions.

    • Exploring how a change in family dynamics might impact an individual's sense of well-being.
    • Investigating how a different career choice could affect someone's personal fulfillment.
    • Asking about the impact of small lifestyle changes on overall happiness.


    Curiosity about alternatives and different perspectives can reveal new possibilities. Asking questions that encourage individuals to consider various perspectives helps them see beyond the binary right or wrong answers.

    "These curiosities invite various perspectives." - Haesun Moon

    Encouraging a broader view can help individuals discover new options and opportunities they hadn't considered before.

    • Inquiring about other indicators of progress someone might have overlooked.
    • Asking about past experiences that demonstrate someone's heart and commitment.
    • Exploring different approaches to problem-solving.

    F to J


    Identifying the initial signs of progress is crucial in coaching. Questions about first steps help individuals recognize early indicators of improvement and set the stage for continued growth.

    "When you ask about first things, it’s like pulling the initial thread to unravel a tapestry." - Haesun Moon

    Early indicators of success provide a foundation for building momentum and confidence.

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